Welcome to Klarenz’s documentation!

Klarenz Barlow

Klarenz is a highly minimalist and Pythonic package for compiling Lilypond sheet music. The entire API consists of only 2 objects: a class Part which represents a single instrument, and a main processing function proc which generates the final outputs (See quick examples below)!


Klarenz requires Python 3.5 or later:

~$ python --version
Python 3.10.12

Klarenz requires LilyPond for compiling the final sheet music. Make sure Lilypond is installed and callable from the commandline:

~$ lilypond --version
GNU LilyPond 2.22.2

Klarenz is on Pypi, so simply use pip to install it:

~$ python -m pip install klarenz
~$ python -c "import klarenz; print(klarenz.version)"

First Impressions

Start Python, import Klarenz and print some notes:

from klarenz import *

proc(Part({"note": range(60, 72), "onset": range(12)}))

If you want to use two instruments instead of just one, simply pass a list of parts to the processor function:

        Part({"note": range(72, 84), "onset": range(12)}),
        Part({"note": range(67, 79), "onset": range(12)})

We can also assign specific durations to each onset, if the durations should not be the difference between two neighbor onsets:

from random import choices

ds = choices([pow(x, -1) for x in range(1, 7)], k=12)
print("Durations:", ds)

            "note": range(72, 84),
            "onset": range(12),
            # Every onset gets the duration of a sixteenth note
            "duration": {o: 0.25 for o in range(12)}
            "note": range(67, 79),
            "onset": range(12),
            # Randomly chosen duration for each onset
            "duration": {o: ds[o] for o in range(12)}

Durations: [0.2, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.2, 0.3333333333333333, 0.2, 1.0, 0.16666666666666666, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3333333333333333]

To have more than one voice in each part, pack multiple pitch and onset collections in a list:

        Part({"note": [range(72, 84), range(65, 77)], "onset": [range(12)] * 2}),
        Part({"note": [range(60, 72), range(67, 79)], "onset": [range(12)] * 2})

Simple and pythonic!